Fuel Your Passion with Long Run Coffee

The alarm rings. You wipe the sleep from your eyes and begin your morning routine. While you meander about the house getting ready for the day, you think about your agenda – the work, the to do list, and on a happier note, the miles you plan to run. The smell of brewing coffee and the sound of slowing drips bring you back into the moment. You pour the hot caffeine into your mug, lift it to your lips, inhale, and sip, feeling the confidence to take on the day building inside you as the liquid make its way into your system.
This isn't just a typical cup of joe, though. This cup of coffee will actually benefit you during that run that was on your mind moments ago. Your mug is filled with an electrolyte-infused beverage from Long Run Coffee, and includes sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. With all of these ingredients, you will stay hydrated and tackle fatigue because electrolytes play a vital role in absorbing water, supporting muscle function, and promoting overall balance in your body. That cup of coffee is no longer just a way to start the day, now it can help you to perform your best.
And better yet, Long Run does all of that without sacrificing flavor. While today you opted for Junk Miles medium roast, tomorrow you might mix it up and have some fun with Post Run Banana or the seasonal Sleighin' Miles Sugar Cookie. Check out our current offerings of Long Run Coffee grounds here and Fuel Your Passion.
Looking for something to cut down on time? Opt for Long Run's Ready to Run: Electroltyes + Caffeine Powder Mix. Simply dump a scoop into hot or iced water and speed up that morning routine, and perhaps your pace, too!